Spiral Cues. ============ The spiral cue is the next bid (including NT) other than the agreed trump suit after an RKC response. Inquirer asks replier to show a number of important cards with each bid. (Note again there is no need for 4N to be the RKC ask). REPLIER SKIPS ONE STEP FOR EACH CONSECUTIVE CARD HELD IN SPIRAL SEQUENCE. Suppose replier is known to be 4531 precisely, then the cards he might hold, in order of importance, are:- 1 Q trumps (QH in this case) 2 K of side suit (KS) 3 K of fragment suit (KD) 4 Q of side suit (QS) 5 Q of fragment suit (QD) 6 J of trumps etc. Example 1 --------- KQxx Axx 1H 2N Qxxxx AKxx 3S 4C (relay) Kxx AQx 4H (4531) 4S (RKC) A Jxx 5C (1 ace) 5D (spiral) 6D 7H The 6D bid showed QH,KS,KD,QS and denied QD. Example 2 --------- KQxx Axx 1H 2N Jxxxx AKxx 3S 4C (relay) Kxx AQx 4H (4531) 4S (RKC) A Jxxx 5C (1 ace) 5D (spiral) 5H 6H The 5H response denied the QH. IF REPLIER'S RESPONSE SHOWED OR DENIED THE TRUMP Q, IT IS REMOVED FROM THE SPIRAL. Example 3 --------- Kxxx AQx 1H 2N Qxxxx AKxx 3S 4C (relay) Axx KQx 4H (4531) 4S (RKC) A Jxx 5H (2A+QH) 5S (spiral) 6C 7H The 6C bid showed the KS and denied the KD. IF ENQUIRER IS NOT INTERESTED IN A PARTICULAR STEP HE MISSES ONE STEP. Example 4 --------- Kxxx AQx 1H 2N Kxxxx AQxx 3S 4C (relay) AKx Qxx 4H (4531) 4S (RKC) A Qxx 4N (0 or 3) 5D (spiral but no interest in QH) 5N 7H The 5H bid showed KS,KD and denied QS. IF REPLIER'S SHAPE IS UNKNOWN, SIDE SUITS KINGS AND QUEENS ARE SHOWN IN RANK ORDER (S,H,D,C). IF REPLIER OR INQUIRER HAVE SHOWN A SIDE SUIT THAT IS THE KEY SUIT (side suit in earlier examples). IF BOTH INQUIRER AND REPLIER HAVE SHOWN A SIDE SUIT THEN INQUIRER'S SUIT IS THE FIRST KEY SUIT (side suit above) AND REPLIER'S SUIT IS THE SECOND KEY SUIT (fragment above). From: murat@otago.ac.nz ...Use Spiral Scan after Roman Key Card Blackwood to scan the remaining key cards in a certain order (see below). The inquirer simply bids the next step to start the spiral scan but he can super-relay by skipping a step (or more) to cancel the inquiry for one (or more) of the remaining key cards. (As the 5NT bid above, which removes the King of clubs from the list) The order in which the key cards are scanned: a. the queen of the trump suit (if it is still not known after RKCB) b. side-suit king in a bid suit, starting with the longest bid side suit in replier's hand (if the replier has not bid another suit, the first king shown is in the suit bid by the inquirer) c. other kings, scanning the suits in ascending order d. other side-suit queen in a bid suit, starting with the longest side-suit bid by the replier e. other side-suit queens, in ascending order f. side-suit jacks in the same order-- if it ever comes to that. It is also very easy to remember how to describe your shortage once you have shown an unbalanced hand with two suits: the first two steps show a singleton in ascending order (i.e., lower-ranked, higher-ranked) and the last two steps show a void.